
Join our group of dedicated volunteers to help the museum achieve our numerous goals.  Become part of our “logging team” and lend your experience and enthusiasm to help our organization in a variety of areas involving grounds and trails maintenance, carpentry and woodworking projects, parade and event planning and management, exhibit planning and management, donation and fundraising campaigns and much more!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Logging Festival
  • Logging Parade
  • Apple Festival
  • Online Auction
  • Monday Morning Work Crew
  • Grant Writing
  • Food Preparation
  • Fund Raising
  • And…The list goes on and on!

Volunteer Form

Please fill in the form below to let us know if you would like to volunteer

Are you interested in volunteering at the museum?

11 + 1 =

Monday Morning Work Crew

The Monday morning volunteer work crew gathers at the museum to help insure the museum building and grounds look welcoming to our visitors. Various “chores” include cleaning and dusting the museum artifacts, sweeping floors, lawn cutting, weed whacking, wood cutting, trail maintenance…and the list goes on and on…

We meet every Monday throughout our season for 2 hours. At the conclusion of the morning chores, we sit on the Museum’s front deck, have a cup of coffee, eat an IGA snack,  and shoot the bull.  We can always use your help, so come and join us for a few hours!


Join Our Newsletter

We’ll add you to our mailing list for our e-newsletter that comes out quarterly.  You may also receive the ocassional email about Maine Forestry Museum events or updates.