2024 Logging Parade and Festival Sponsors
Stratton Lumber/Timber Resource Group
Professional Logging Contractors of Maine
White’s Logging
Pine Ridge Timber, LLC
Kevin Irving
Northwest Forest Management, LLC
Regenerate Energy Stratton LLC
Margot Joly and Associates, Law Offices
Liz Pimentel
Larry Malone
The Pulled Together Band
Backwoods Clothing & Custom Embroidery
2024 Logging Parade and Festival Sponsors
George Poland/Lakes Region Power Systems
Mark Gordon (Rangeley Building & Remodeling)
Ken Haley/Haley Family
Baxter Brewing Co. | Distinctly Maine | Craft Brewery
Joe Scardapane
George Crosson
Gemma Astor
Jim Ferrara
Cubby Abbott
John Astor
Parade Manager Linda Sykes
A+A Brochu
Northern Explosion Dance Studio
Jann Minzy
Dennis and Mike Rand
Anna Pines
Maine-Ly Trees
Chapman’s Jam’s & Pickles
In-kind Donors
A-One Builders (Christian Raymond/Eddie Collins) construction consultant, donations for project & equipment loans
Always Carving (John & Nancy Arsenault) RLRLM sign restoration
ASI original logs from Upper Dam crib
Barten, David three hand-carved dioramas (6’x8′) for expansion B
Bonney, Forrest labor to design live-edge wooden tabletops for library
Boss Power Equipment use of low bed trailer
Brookfield Logging boat from Aziscohos Dam
Cupsuptic Welding (Ron Ray) development & construction of barrel train for children
Dallas Hill Construction (George Crosson) Construction work to finish off basement
Dallas Hill Plumbing and Heating (Jamie Ellis) Relocation & re-installation of basement furnace
Daviau, Robert commercial grill
ENS Associates design drawings
Farmhouse Inn (Shane Vorous) culvert & site work
Goodwin Builders, Inc. (Randy Goodwin) professional consultation & equipment loans
Hancock Lumber materials for new porch
IEC Electric all inside lighting installation
Libby, Lee discounted siding installation & equipment loans
M & H Construction construction of access road & on-site parking for trucks & logging equipment
Maine Made Furniture Company live-edge slabs of wood to construct tables/library
In-kind Donors Continued
Mark Beauregard Inc. shale/gravel
Mike Cerminara Landscaping Services wood chipping & site work
Morgan, T. A. (Terry Morgan) site work
Mooseville (Cory Ellis) moose mascot costume
Nichols Brothers Logging logs for stadium seating
Noyes-Smith, Betsy Indian Carving, 7 leather/wooden chairs, historic photos
Olson’s Tent Rental outdoor tents
Pleasant River Lumber interior pine v-match
Poland Springs bottled water for volunteer work crew
Rangeley Electric (Wes Dugan) exterior lighting & power line relocation, basement electricity
Rangeley Building & Remodeling (Mark Gordon), Construction & labor to finish off basement project
Rangeley Lakes Building Supply technical suport, sponsorship & professional contacts
Robinson Lumber exterior siding discount
S-K Fuels (Mike Koob) fuel oil for heating
Seacoast Security Systems fire & alarm system with free monthly monitoring
Sikkens exterior log finishing stain
Stratton Lumber framing material
Technopost (Mike Brochu) discounted installation of construction posts
WSKI-TV logging festival promotional video; with no copyright issue
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