Logging in the Maine Woods Exhibition

View 19 original oil paintings by Alden Grant documenting life in the Rangeley region’s lumber camps from 1915 – 1928. Can’t visit the museum? View and listen to a synopsis of Logging in the Maine Woods, The Paintings of Alden Grant.
Logging Equipment, Tools, & Machinery Exihibitions

Throughout the museum, examine hundreds of artifacts from regional logging operations, model drag drays, logging sleds, chain saw carvings, and forestry tools dating back to the late 1800’s. Watch the short documentary film, “Stump to Ship” illustrating the logging industry of Maine in 1930.
Maine Forestry Service Exhibition

How much do you know about one of the oldest forest service agencies in the country? Since 1908, the Maine Forest Service has been protecting our local forests from fires, pests, and pollution. Come learn about the history of the Maine Forest Service and view unique firefighting equipment and tools. Plus, get the scoop on Smokey the Bear!
Penobscot Nation Artificats Exhibition

Long before Maine’s founding in 1820, responsible management of our nearby forests began with Penobscot Nation. View interesting artifacts from the original stewards of Maine’s forests.
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