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Maine Forestry Museum is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

Our Mission:

Preserve the rich cultural heritage of forestry and conservation in the State of Maine so that it may be shared with generations to come.

Educate about the contributions of logging, logging families, and the forestry industry.

Instill appreciation for the natural resources of the Maine forest. 

Inspire visitors to support this cultural preservation and encourage others to join in the effort.

Our Vision:

Grow awareness of the Maine Forestry Museum through enhanced communication efforts.

Cultivate capable future stewards of Maine’s natural resources by creating a deeper connection between Maine’s young citizens and its forests through on-site interactive educational opportunities for middle- and high-schoolers across the state.

Expand the Museum facility to accommodate and display additional artifacts, exhibits, and interactive learning experiences that bring lessons of our history, related science, and environmental stewardship to life.

Establish long-term financial support of the mission and vision through a dedicated effort and increased focus on fundraising.

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